NSCA moduleΒΆ

The NSCA daemon module is used to receive send_nsca packets and submit them to the Shinken command pipe. The NSCA module can be loaded by the Receiver or Arbiter process. It will listen on port TCP/5667 for send_nsca packets.


Passive checks can be submitted natively to the Shinken command pipe or from remote hosts to modules, such as NSCA, AMQP or collectd, loaded in the Shinken Arbiter or Receiver process. AMQP is implemented for integration with the Canopsis Hypervisor, but could be re-used for generic messaging.


The Shinken NSCA module implementation is currently limited to the “xor” obfuscation/encryption.

In your shinken-specific.cfg file, just add (or uncomment):

#You can send check result to Shinken using NSCA
#using send_nsca command
define module{
     module_name       NSCA
     module_type       nsca_server
     host              *
     port              5667
     encryption_method 0
     password          helloworld

define receiver{
     receiver_name    receiver-1
     address          localhost
     port             7773
     modules          NSCA

     timeout          3             ; 'ping' timeout
     data_timeout     120           ; 'data send' timeout
     max_check_attempts       3     ;  if at least max_check_attempts ping failed, the node is DEAD

     realm    All

This daemon is totally optional.

It’s main goal is to get all passive “things” (checks but why not other commands) in distant realms. It will act as a “passive receive buffer” and will then dispatch the data or commands directly to the appropriate Scheduler or Arbiter process.

Data can be received from any Realm, thus the Realm option is nonsensical.

For now there is no init.d script to launch it. .. note:: Verify that the init script has been added.

It is launched like all other daemons:

bin/shinken-receiver -c etc/receiverd.ini


Alternatively, for small installations with you can configure a modules inside your Arbiter instead of the Receiver. It will listen the TCP/5667 port for send_nsca packets.

To configure the NSCA module in your Arbiter instead of Receiver. Add the NSCA module to your Arbiter object configuration.

define arbiter{
arbiter_name Arbiter-Master
# host_name node1 ;result of the hostname command under Unix
address localhost ;IP or DNS adress port 7770 spare 0 modules NSCA


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