Alternatives installations

Here you can find another way to install Shinken without using . If you want to understand deeply how Shinken work, it may be a better solution.


Article under creation, it will me deeply modified before the 1.0 release ;)


On Ubuntu or Debian

Save time, use the very good installation script from Nicolargo! Thanks a lot to him :)

cd ~
chmod a+x
sudo ./

On windows

Get the file in c:shinken

During portions of the installation you’ll need to have administrator access to your server. Make sure you’ve installed the following packages on your Windows installation before continuing.

Take the files instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from the directory of the resource kit (typically “c:program filesWindows Resource KitsTools”) and put them in the directory “c:shinkenwindows” (it should already exist by decompressing the archive, or you are a directory level to deep).

To install all services, launch the installation batch file:


Launch services.msc to see you brand new services (Shinken-*).

But don’t start them yet, you should jump up to the discovery part before starting new Shinken services.

On Fedora with RPM


Install python Pyro:

# yum install python-pyro

Install Shinken:

Download RPM to the url

# yum localinstall --nogpgcheck shinken-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm shinken-arbiter-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm shinken-broker-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm shinken-poller-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm shinken-reactionner-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm shinken-receiver-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm shinken-scheduler-0.8.1-1.fc15.noarch.rpm

Enable Shinken services:

# for i in arbiter poller reactionner scheduler broker; do systemctl enable shinken-$i.service ; done

Start Shinken services:

# for i in arbiter poller reactionner scheduler broker; do systemctl start shinken-$i.service ; done

Stop Shinken services:

# for i in arbiter poller reactionner scheduler broker; do systemctl stop shinken-$i.service ; done

On Debian with DEB packages

Shinken is packaged on the debian “sid”: Prerequisites:

aptitude install shinken python-simplejson python-pysqlite2 python-mysqldb python-redis python-memcache

Start Shinken services:

# for i in  broker poller reactionner receiver scheduler arbiter ; do /etc/init.d/shinken-$i start ;done

Stop Shinken services:

for i in  broker poller reactionner receiver scheduler arbiter ; do /etc/init.d/shinken-$i stop ;done

On RedHat/Centos and other GNU/Linux box: from the sources

Shinken asks for few dependencies:
  • Python >= 2.4 (but Python 2.6 is preferable)
  • Pyro, a Python module (version >= 4.5 is possible)

To know which Python version you are running, just type

python -V

Dependencies for Debian folks

To get Dependencies launch:

sudo apt-get install pyro nagios-plugins-extra

Dependencies for Centos5/RH5 with python 2.4


Python version 2.4 is the default version of python on CentOS/RH5, so this is the easiest way to install Shinken on CentOS. The problem is that some advanced Shinken functionalities need ‘’at least’’ python 2.6

First get the dependencies (as root or with sudo):

yum install gcc nagios-plugins python-devel python-simplejson
tar xvfz Pyro-3.10.tar.gz
cd Pyro-3.10
python install

cd ~

sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.4.egg

cd ~

tar xvfz multiprocessing-
cd multiprocessing-
python install

Dependencies for Centos5/RH5 with python 2.6


Python version 2.4 is the default version on CentOS5/RH5. This version of python is deeply linked to the OS (yum package manager for instance), so you can’t just ‘’update’’ python. In order to add python 2.6 on your system, you will need to add packages from at least 2 additional repositories: ‘’‘RPMForge’‘’ and ‘’‘EPEL release’‘’

First, add the additional repositories

rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm

Then install the dependencies

yum install gcc nagios-plugins python26-devel python26-simplejson
tar xvfz Pyro4-4.11.tar.gz
cd Pyro4-4.11
python26 install

cd ~
sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg

Shinken installation

Create the Shinken user:

sudo adduser shinken
sudo passwd shinken


Be sure to create a valid home directory for the shinken user. If not, the daemons won’t start.

Then, get Shinken package and install it:

cd ~
tar xfz shinken-0.8.1.tar.gz
cd shinken-0.8.1
sudo python install --install-scripts=/usr/bin
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
sudo cp libexec/* /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/


Replace ‘’python26’’ instead of ‘’python’’ in the command line “sudo python install –install-scripts=/usr/bin” if you run CentOS5/RH5 and you wish shinken to be installed with python 2.6 support

You will get:

new binaries into /usr/bin (files shinken-*)
some new checks and notification scripts in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
some new directory (/etc/shinken and /var/lib/shinken).

Discover your network

The network discovery scans your network and sets up a standardized monitoring configuration for all your hosts and network services. To run it, ou need to install the nmap network discovery tool.


sudo apt-get install nmap


yum install nmap

Now, you are ready to run the network discovery tool:

[ -d /etc/shinken/discovery ] && sudo mkdir /etc/shinken/discovery
sudo shinken-discovery -o /etc/shinken/discovery -r nmap -m "NMAPTARGETS= localhost"

The important part is the NMAPTARGETS value. It’s an nmap target value, so you can give the value you want, like a list of hosts or an IP range.


The scan duration depends on the number of IP addresses to scan. If you are scanning a large network, the scan can run into the tens of minutes. (the scan timeout is set to one hour by default. The timeout parameter is defined in the etc/discovery.cfg)

Setup Thruk, the Web interface

This next section will use the Nicolargo installation script, thank you once again.

If you have already run the Nicolargo script for Debian, you can skip this part.

To install Thruk, launch:

perl -V:version -V:archname
browse to  and download the file that matches the archname and version
( version is last number before tar.gz)
tar zxvf *filename*
cd Thruk-$thruk_version
cd ..
cp -R Thruk-1.0.5 /opt/thruk
chown -R shinken:shinken /opt/thruk
wget -O /etc/init.d/thruk
chown root:root /etc/init.d/thruk
chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/thruk

For Ubuntu/Debian:

update-rc.d thruk defaults

For RedHat/Centos:

chkconfig thruk --add

First launch

You are now ready to start the system, launch Shinken and Thruk.

/etc/init.d/shinken start
/etc/init.d/thruk start

You can validate that the software is running smoothly by tailing the main log file at:

tail -f /var/lib/shinken/shinken.log

And by connecting to the web interface at http://localhost:3000 (or use the IP address of your server)

Congrats, you just launched your next monitoring tool ^_^

Now you can go through the rest of the wiki to learn how to work with the configuration, and customize it as you need. There are tutorials in the getting started section for common tasks and there is an official documentation manual that provides in depth coverage of features and options.

Now are ready to learn how to configure the Shinken daemons, your gentle introduction to distributed monitoring, by reading the configure Shinken page.

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